We do not recommend or endorse any ISP, and your mileage with a particular provider may vary. Generally speaking, fiber optic Internet providers work well with ExpatTV. Our clients have reported good performance and successful viewing in México with:
Telmex (fiber optic)
Izzi (fiber optic)
Izzi / Wiz / Cablemas using the older coax technology is a decent option, but they have more outages and service problems than do the fiber optic providers. We have hundreds of clients using Izzi with only occasional problems.
For clients in the U.S., Canada, and other countries outside of México, we have experienced good result with all Internet providers that our clients have tried with the exception of wireless (radio/microwave) providers in very remote areas of the U.S., Canada, and Italy.
We recommend “wired” Internet service over wireless (radio or microwave) providers. Wireless technology is constantly improving, but there can be a great deal of variation that can cause frustration. Also, many wireless providers are small and independent and often do not have adequate capacity to service all of their clients during peak times of the day – particularly evenings on weekdays and afternoons and evenings on weekends. However, we have quite a few clients using ExpatTV via competent wireless Internet providers that have adequate resources to provide their promised/contracted bandwidth.
We have quite a few clients that have switched to Starlink. Starlink is expensive up-front to purchase the equipment, but then fairly economical on a monthly basis, at least in México. Starlink provides a good option for clients that have no other good options, but it has some variation at times and does not perform well during storms. We also notice more frequent capacity and routing issues with Starlink, presumably due to the rapid growth of their installed client base.
If you have a different provider, feel free to message us for our experience with a particular provider.